
Debunking the Voucher Smokescreens

 It has been predicted that next week, the anticipated "Education Freedom Act" should hit the committee floors. The release of this administration bill is coming a little later than expected. There is lots of speculation as to the cause for the delay. The overwhelming perspective is that Gov. Lee doesn't have the votes. Backdoor compromises and dirty politics are once again at play to please the deep pockets of out-of- state lobbyists. We have been prepared to expect an omnibus bill that has components to appease public school advocates. It is Lee's hope that he can make some components of this bill so appealing to public school proponents that he gets the vote. I had an elected representative tell me personally that Lee is willing to give us "anything we want in order to get this passed."  The "Education Freedom Act" is anything but freedom for ALL parents and students. Call it what you want. It is "vouchers for a few." Great time and at...

The Facts Behind School Letter Grades

 I can see it now - a dark room, filled with bourbon and cigars, incessant toasting, and large bellow laughter as the media releases individual school letter grades. These individuals are so pleased that "their created narrative" is finally playing out. It is even better that the media is doing the work for them as it will keep their hands cleaner. It has been a long time coming - all in the name of "transparency." However the story behind letter grades is FAR from transparent to the general public. So let's share the true facts...... The law creating school grades is not new. The first school grade legislation passed in 2017. After signing into law, the Commissioner of Education (Dr. Candice McQueen) put together a comprehensive working group to tackle the enormous task of defining the complexity of school success into a single letter grade. After a lengthy time of intense research and collaboration, a formula was created that would be implemented.  Then testin...